Sunday, December 13, 2009


So we have carpet in place and flooring is down! Nothing is actually GLUED at this moment. I don't want to have it be too smelly for open house. So I think we will hold off until next week.

We are on hold with the mirror. The mirror will be in this week, but the hardware is in Colorado. Pray it gets here this week! We will see.


Today things are really shaping up! The Mezzafloor is laid, we had to cut some of the width of the floor, because the building isn't quite square. We decided not to tape it down yet. So far it is really secure. I wonder if I can return the double stick tape and get a refund?

Tonight we also prepped the floor for carpet. We have to let the underlay/leveling sets for 12 hours. We will be ready to go at it again tomorrow!

Saturday, December 12, 2009


After some confusion we are making progress on the ramps. The studs make the dance floor raise up a couple inches from the cement. To prevent injuries, I want a more gradual ramp vs a step up to the dance floor. Here is a close up of our ramp. My 'team' of workers are amazing. I owe them so much!

Progress on the dance floor

We've decided to do the carpet ourselves and got a great inexpensive carpet from Lowes.  In this photo you can see the dance floor, the mezzafloor dance surface and the rolls of carpet. it is all coming together! Thank the Heavens!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


So we started the subfloor Friday night with a truck load of studs and some 1/2" plywood. After building a 'test' area, we decided 1/2" was just a bit too flimsy... now what?! After some phone calls and a frantic Facebook message to a new friend, we had our answer... 3/4" tongue in groove plywood with studs on 16" centers.

Two guys, Two Super Sonic Cheeseburger meals, a 30 pack of Miller Lite, 2 10# boxes of 'star' screws, 85 studs, 35 pieces of plywood, and 10 hours later; we have a dance floor! Stagger the studs and plywood.