Sunday, November 15, 2009


My parents came down to help kick start the studio makeover! We picked out colors and got started. Painted the ceiling tile to freshen up the space, and added some fun color to the walls.

Teal on the mirror wall, Yellow on the opposite wall. I think the reflection of yellow in the mirrors will really help open up the space. I have orange accents on the ends of the studio. Adds some excitement and energy.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

First Night

So my first free night, I went to the studio to have it "speak to me." It looks awesome and bright with the big windows and all the lights.

It's pretty spacious. I'm so excited.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I got my keys

Today I met with my landlord and got the keys to the studio. It looks so big! I can't decide if I want to leave it white or if I want to add color. It is a blank canvas. I can't wait to get started! Where do I start? Here are some pictures.

Looking from the front to the back of the studio. How to camo these trouble spots?

Looking from the back to the front window. Elvis has not left the building.