Teen - Adult Class Descriptions (Age 13 - Adults)
Dress Code: We feel more confident when we dress the part.
Leotard, tank top, dance shorts, dance pants, capri pants.
Adults: Any athletic or dance wear that allow you freedom of movement.
Leotard, tank top, dance shorts, dance pants, capri pants.
Adults: Any athletic or dance wear that allow you freedom of movement.
Lyrical/Ballet with Emily
** You see this on SYTYCD. Try it. You’ll love it! **
Dancers will combine the grace and strength training of ballet with the beauty and emotion of lyrical dancing- a combination of ballet and jazz. Emphasis will be placed on proper body alignment, balance, and control; Skills- including leaps, turns, and kicks. Dancers will have the option to perform in the annual spring recital.
Level I: Great for dancers new to ballet.
Level II: Experienced dancers with previous ballet training.
Dress Code: Leotard, tank top, tights, booty shorts, ballet slippers or jazz shoes.
Jazz/Technique with Emily
*Excellent Class To Prepare You for College Dance Team Tryouts! *
This high-energy, class will challenge dancers as they improve proper jazz technique – including leaps, turns, and kicks and combinations. Emphasis will be placed on proper technique, balance and control. Dancers will have the option to perform in the annual spring recital.
Dress Code: Leotard, tank top, tights, booty shorts, ballet slippers or jazz shoes.
Hip Hop with Michelle
** Fun class to cut loose and express your personal style. **
This high-energy class will incorporate strong hip hop motions and rhythm. Emphasis will be placed on body isolations, control, and learning quick combinations. Dancers will have the option to perform in the annual spring recital.
Dress Code: Dress the part- tshirts, sweats, capri are ok in addition to regular standard dress code. Shoes: dancer’s choice- jazz shoes or split sole jazz sneakers, tennis shoes will be worn for recital.
Level I: Great for new dancers or dancers with 2 or less years of hip hop and jazz.
Level II: Experienced dancers ready for more advanced, fast combinations.