Michelle's Encore Dance Studio
Parent Helpers Needed - Refreshments and Backstage Help
To sign up for the backstage help and/or refreshments,
please come into the studio and sign up for the
items of your choice. Thank you!
Dear Parents,
At our Spring Recital, we want to make the recital experience for our dancers of all ages as positive, safe, and enjoyable as possible.
In order to do this, we need parent helpers to volunteer backstage in assisting with bathroom visits, keeping the class together, and getting the dancers ready when it is their turn to perform. You will also be with the class to escort them to and from the stage.
It is a delight and lots of fun to be backstage with the children. There is another kind of show behind the scenes!
You will be with the children from your child's class for the entire time of the show and be in the wings while they perform so you see them up close and personal!
You will be with the children from your child's class for the entire time of the show and be in the wings while they perform so you see them up close and personal!
It is fun and rewarding to volunteer your time and efforts to the backstage team. Without your help the show would not go on!
After the performance, we like to celebrate with refreshments. We ask that each family signs up to bring something for this fun part of the night.
To sign up for the backstage help and/or refreshments,
please come into the studio and sign up for the
items of your choice. Thank you!
THANK YOU for helping us create a safe and happy environment for the dancers!
Thank You- Michelle